05 Déc The efTects of aerially applied fenitrothion and chlorpyrifos on birds in the savannah of northern Senegal WIM c. MULLIÉ and JAMES O. KEITHt Emergency Centre for Locust Operations, Food and Agriculture Organization o...continuer la lecture
05 Déc List of publications Wim C. Mullié Environmental toxicology (terrestrial) and crop protectioncontinuer la lecture
04 Déc Environmental effects of locust control: state of the art and perspectives J.W. Everts and L.Ba FAO, Proiect LOCUSTOX, B.P. 3300, Dakar/Senegal Direction de la ...continuer la lecture
04 Déc Modelling the diffusion component of dispersal during recovery of a population of linyphiid spiders from exposure to an insecticide C. F. G. THOMAS, E.H.A. HOL+ and J. W. EVERTS Department of Toxicologlr, Agricultural University, Bomenweg 2, ...continuer la lecture
04 Déc Ecotoxicologie Appliquée Écotoxicologie Appliqueé 2000; 330 pages ; 21 x 14 cm; 12 ills.; paper Auteurs : Jörg Römbke- Johann F. Moltm...continuer la lecture
04 Déc Acute Toxicity of Locust Insecticides to Two Indigenous Invertebrates from Sahelian Temporary Ponds Joost Lahr, Aliou Badji, Simone Marquenie, Egbertha Schuiling, Khalifa B. Ndour, Alpha O. Diallo and James W. ...continuer la lecture
04 Déc Ecotoxicology for Risk Assessment in Arid Zones : Some Key Issues J.W. Everts Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), P.O. Box 3300, Dakar, Senegal R...continuer la lecture
29 Nov Enrironnemental effects of chemical locust and grasshopper control A Pilot Study Edited by James W. Everts Department of Toxicology Agricultural University Bomenweg 2, 6703 HD...continuer la lecture
25 Nov Effet sur l’Environnement de la Lutte Chimique Antiacridienne Projet ECLO/SEN/003/NET Traduction du rapport publié par la FAO/ROME en 1990 Intitulé ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS O...continuer la lecture
03 Juin Analyse Écotoxicologie des Pesticides utilisés contre le Criquet Pélerin Ministère de l'Agriculture Direction de la Protection des Végétaux Projet Africain de Lutte d‘Urgence Contre...continuer la lecture